Sunday, May 22, 2011

Worst semester ever is OVER

I have spent 11 years of my life in college. While doing my Masters', I worked full time, Liam was a toddler, and I was pregnant with Zing for part of it, too. I have faced school-related challenges and I have felt stressed out of my mind before.

But this semester. This semester was the worst of all these 11 years. Between getting sick over and over again, starting a new job halfway through the semester, and having classes I actually had to study for, I thought I was going to lose my mind. Then Aaron got laid off - all I wanted to was crawl in my bed and cry, but because I'd gotten so far behind, all I could do was cry in my car on the drive home when I couldn't do anything else anyway and then get right back to work.

Anyway, I got through it. I did end up with one B, which would normally mortify me, but at this point, I'm just glad I survived.

Now it's time for another nap.

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