Earlier today, as I cupped my hands around a mug of stevia-sweetened hot green tea, I gazed out the window at the falling snow and marveled at how wondrous the world can be.
I opened the front door to better see the majesty of the blowing snow and found this mound of snow standing against the door in neat little layers.
I called the kids to come see our front porch. The stairs had seemingly disappeared.
See? We really do have stairs.
I shoveled.
The driveway.
That high point you see there is taller than Aisling.
Approximately 4.5 feet. |
I had serious words with Mother Nature as I did so, admittedly with many cuss words thrown in. It's really quite interesting how much better a good four-letter word can make you feel.
Mother Nature responded by blowing my entire shovel-full of snow right back into my face.
It didn't feel good.
When I finished (here's another pic),
What you cannot tell from this picture is that the snow at the end of
the driveway is about 12 inches high. |
I came inside, declared that I was
not making dinner that night, and got straight into a hot bubble bath. Ahhh.
And then, pondering the depth of the snow, I realized that it was taller than Flea, our shih tzu, who would most certainly need to pee at some point. The thought of having one's nether parts encased in snow while attempting to relieve oneself made me get out of the bath (although not immediately, I admit) to go shovel a path for him in the backyard.
Then I went to admire my wonderful shoveling job, and
this is what I saw:
It's only been about an hour, and it's already covered again.