(Initially posted on Facebook in September)
So, yes, we (I) "rescued" a cat. Normally, I don't think anything of cats prowling the hood. I mean, that's normal, right? But when I saw this one, a cat I'd never seen before, trying to claw our tree, it was obvious that he was declawed.
Now, I have always been under the impression that declawed cats should be indoor cats, so I went to check him out. No tag, neutered, confirmed declawed, and in great shape. So someone must be missing him, right?
Since I've seen coyotes around here, I thought it best to bring him in for the night, and I stayed up late making a flyer. Next morning, I taped the flyer to all of the community mailboxes in our area.
And no response. He's super affectionate -- aggressively so -- he'll just throw himself (literally) in your lap, totally contemptuous of gravity. He wants to be friends with our other cats (i kept them separated for awhile but his plaintive yowling wore me down), and he's indifferent to the dogs, one of which *really* wants to play with him. (Admittedly, she *really* wants to play with everything and everyone.)
And then Aaron went and named him! If no one comes forth soon, I'm afraid we may have a third cat. Unless you want him ....
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